It's time to get started.

Our objective is to transform neighborhoods by equipping the  church to engage their
community, and in partnership with its neighbors, develop a better community.

Who We Are

We are a family. We love and care about and for one another as a network of churches. We also love and care about our neighbors. We seek to discern God’s Kingdom vision for us and our neighbors.  We, then, work together to see his Kingdom made visible in our neighborhoods.

What We Do

We come alongside our churches as they seek to get to know their neighbors better. We provide Biblical Community Connecting strategies through six Seeking Shalom sessions. Each church is encouraged to move into its community and together with their neighbors build stronger,  more sustainable communities for their future. 

What's Different

In addition to activities that benefit their members,  our churches seek to have conversations with our neighbors. We seek to discover what they care about and join with them to discover a common agenda for our communities’ development. We work together for the common good in our neighborhoods.

To learn more about how we can assist your church please complete this form and we will be in touch with you soon.